Monday, September 30, 2013

West Coast Best Coast: Guac and Margaritas

I think as a half-CA raised child who has now spent enough time on the east coast to have adopted their dialect (trust me, I took a quiz), I have the necessary experience from both coasts to pretty confidentially claim that truly, the west coast is the best coast. Not even just California. People sometimes forget that Oregon and Washington can be as glorious as California. Granted, its a bit more wet, but it has that greenery that some east coast folks find lacking in California.
Thus, I feel pretty ok with posting this picture in an obnoxiously large size.

With that being said, one of the best things about the west coast is that the fantastic sunshine weather makes it perfect for growing, producing, and making, amazing food. I forget the exact percentage but something around 60% of all US fruits and veggies come from the CA. And of course, the one fruit that shines the best amongst those is the glorious avocado. Yes, it is a fruit--quick science fact--fruits are plants that produce seeds surrounded a juicy delicious flesh that we like to eat. For them, its their ovaries essentially. Vegetables don't have this.
Sadly, the east coast, and Yale especially severely lacks in the avocado department. Don't even get me started on my Yale-Dining-what-is-this-crap-you-call-guacamole rant. Since I first realized Yale Dining doesn't know the first thing about guacamole, its been my mission to share authentic, or close to authentic as reasonably possible guacamole to my poor non-west coast friends. When the convenience store on campus had avocados in stock (why, I have NO idea), I of course had to spend all my lunch money (literally) on as many as I could buy (4) for a little guac night with suitemates and friends.
Unfortunately, our store doesn't also sell onions, tomatoes, cilantro ect ect, so I took the easy route and mixed avocado with salsa. Still 10000x better than dining hall guacamole though. To finish it off my budding-bartender friend made us margaritas (frozen margaritas) to enjoy with the guacamole. If only all Friday nights could be like this...sigh.

side note for those concerned about the timing and logistics of this blog: this was all done in early September. I didn't think I had any interesting food related stories until now, so I'm playing a little bit of catchup. Expect lots of retrospective posts.

Friday, September 27, 2013

September College Drank

Special emphasis to Drank, since zomg ~college~ (but not really).
There was a "Labor Day Weekend" post saved as a draft here, but:
  1. It is clearly no longer labor day
  2. The only thing in the draft was a picture of an Old Fashioned from Ordinary.
I'm struggling to decide what I want this blog to be when I'm not baking. Perhaps I lack the genuine passion for an authentic food blog since I allow the patriarchy that is college dorms hinder my creative baking. Perhaps I could simply review cool foods and drinks I've eaten while out and about? But then I turn into an instagram foodie, which, god forbid, I actually have become. (let me know if you want to follow my instagram!) Feel free to judge me, because I am mad judging myself.
I've never been very good at making decisions--I spent an entire week driving everyone insane over class decisions this year. As a result, I have scattered pictures of food taken quasi-half-heartedly just as incase I ever wanted to post them on a blog. Which I've now decided, heck, why not? I'm not writing deep, emotional posts about my food. I'm not writing for an acclaimed audience. Heck, I'm not even writing. I'm just spewing stream of consciousness onto the internet, and as we all know, the internet REALLY needs less of that.

So to reference number 2 of my short list from above, Labor Day Weekend was the first, and currently most recent going-out-to-bars-with-friends outing I've had. Yea I know, I'm super cool. We went to both Briq and Ordinary that evening. Briq was rather disappointing for several combined reasons of poor drinks, poor service, and strange liability forms attesting that should us, 21+ students get excessively drunk, we won't blame Briq...
Ordinary was great though! I had an Old Fashioned pictured below in grainy, instagram glory. 
look! #nofilter. Its that good.
To be quite honest, I've always enjoyed just the simple act of drinking and having light and reasonably intelligent conversations with friends over the going out aspect of college. There's only so much juice that can mask ethanol-like Kirkland signature vodka (actually, no amount of juice can mask that horrid smell and taste). I'm not much of a dancer either. Say what you will about what that means about my ability to let loose and be confident in myself. (But seriously, my attempts to dance usually involve me trying to be funny and looking like a frightening jellyfish). 
But I'm liking the trajectory my last year of college is heading towards--less dark dance floors, more dim-lit conversations.