Banned from the kitchen until I finish taking the MCATs.
In the mean time, I have still somehow managed to learn how to cold brew coffee, which I think counts as a food project. Ice coffee is just infinitely better than hot coffee. I'll maybe talk about coffee and caffeine at a later date.
This is more of a question of what exactly constitutes a kitchen ban? Obviously baking is out of the question, but mandatory/necessary meals like dinner definitely count as an exception to that ban. Maybe I'm taking advantage of this and getting particularly adventurous with my meals because I just made this for dinner--Dutch cheese, raspberries, mixed greens on toasted multigrain artisan bread with dijon mustard slathered to one side.
Luckily, this sandwich did NOT give me a heart attack. It was tres petit (to account for my study snacking throughout the day), and was a perfect balance of toasted, warm bread, melty cheese and crisp raspberries and leafy greens.This is definitely not a sandwich to be eaten in excess and relished in like Caseus', but you know, we can't have heart attacks
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