Note: Actually having a mojito with your midterm would be quite possibly one of the worst ideas ever. Do not do this just to make my cheese alliteration true.
The middle of October is officially midterm season. Actually, officially, the midterm is marked by October break I believe, but thats just boring administrative stuff. Regardless, midterms always seem to cluster together--2 in one week, 2 papers and 1 midterm, 2 midterms in one day (that would be my poor sister). On one hand, yes, its nice to just get it all over with. On the other hand, it results in locking-myself-in-a-room-never-seeing-daylight behavior where all I want to do is wear yoga pants 24/7. A friend and I were having a particularly struggle-bus week, mainly because of a class called biochem. It's like if bio-chem was a baseball game, and student was a baseball player on steroids, if pre-meds were not concerned about the health and ethical consequences of doing such things. Anyways, I digress. That was really a terrible joke analogy full of horrible stereotypes.
To celebrate the finish of this midterm (amongst others), she made mojitos! She's a super legit bartender, so she's been practicing her skillz on us so that when she's famous for fantastic mixed drinks and fighting health inequality, we can be like "hey, I once got a drink made just for me by her."
I mean look, she even muddled the ingredients and everything. I didn't even know that muddling was a thing you did for drinks, though that makes a lot of sense in retrospect.
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