Friday, October 3, 2014

Green Tea, Cherries, and Galettes: A Bad Venn Diagram

This post has been sitting as an -emergency post-. And the emergency has arrived. Well, mainly a self imposed emergency since I failed to take pictures of either the snickerdoodles or lavender rose ice cream I recently made. I'm starting to build a little idea in my head that I should rent a go-pro camera to just take pictures automatically (hands free!) pictures for me. With you know, perfect lighting and everything that I can never accomplish at 9 PM under the icky yellow light of my kitchen.
So we're gonna get a little mathematical and discuss 2 types of desserts that I have had a n=2 failure in making- green tea and cherry flavors and galettes.

On one side, green tea and cherry combinations in baked goods and I seem to have a bad history together. Take these green tea cherry cupcakes I made once upon a time while my life was in a bit of a slump. I figured that baking would cheer me up, but I think that x famous cook was right when they said that you can taste the love and emotions that go into a work of food.
While I was not in a terrible mood while baking the galette version of this flavor, it does seem that green tea/cherries seem to not like me. Granted they are perfectly amiable to me and my attempts to bake/cook separately. But together they seem to become a sinister evil superhero villain. Ok, so that was kinda exaggerated.

On the other side, my two attempts at baking galettes this summer have both also ended in less than stellar ways, and I will blame my inexperience with pie crusts for that one. I might have been a little ambitious when my first galette attempt was a cherry galette with a green tea crust (like come on Helen). But then I tried a second time using, you know, normal-ish pie crust and some of the last sweet summer peaches I had left lying around. Alas, ear wax, was indeed probably something more delightful that whatever happened to that pie crust.

Unsavory image side, I might have to stick to less rustic or esoteric desserts for a little while. I would hate to have to make more venn diagrams of foods Helen can't bake related posts. I was going to insert a little venn diagram here, but pixlr just crashed on me so no venn diagrams for you. You'll just have to wait for more baking failures to crop for that!

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