Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lime Sugar Cookies: A Failure in Pollock

I had grand goals for these cookies. Flushed with new found powers and resources to bake, I set out to make event-worthy commencement cookies with Yale blue "Y"s in the center. Like those cut out sugar cookie rolls you get at the store. However, I failed to remember that I struggle with shapes (Geometry was the one math class I hated). So a short chronicle of awkward failures.
These cookies not only did not look like 'Y's due to my struggle bus in aesthetics  but I don't think there was nearly enough lime flavor OR sugar in these cookies. Thankfully, more sugar fixes everything. But a bit of sugar-milk-lime mixed with dark royal blue splattered Jackson Pollock style seems to have fixed most things. Most.
Lime Sugar Cookie recipe from Naturally Ella. I think her recipe was less sweet due to the generous use of royale icing to decorate. Unfortunately, I've never been a pro at decorating cookies, and I lack the meringue powder or cornstarch needed to make some.
 Till the next recipe failure! Maybe I'll even try to make a better version of these cookies. Probably not. At least not until X-Mas cookie season.

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