Monday, January 6, 2014

Birthday Cake Oreo Cheesecakes: tbm Blog Birthday!

By tbm I mean throwback monday, the cousin of throwback thursday. Anyways, I interrupt my weekly posts for a special post in honor of the blog's birthday. While I'm personally not particularly keen on celebrating my own birthday in real life, today is the "birth date" of this food blog. In the world of online food blogging, it seems like a time honored tradition to bake a cake in honor of your food blog. Since people rarely finish the cakes I bake for human birthdays at home, I can't really justify a cake for an online internet entity until I find more friends and family members who will eat cake. Or until I make cake that people will want to eat.

So instead, here's a throwback post to some birthday themed baked goods I made before this blog was born. I guess you could think of this as looking through the ancestry of this blog? Back in 2012, Oreo was turning 100 and released what were supposedly ~limited~ edition birthday cake flavored Oreos to celebrate. But I'm pretty sure I've seen them around since then.

Oreos are those classic childhood cookies that all American young adults seem to have fond memories of and still love as a "sometimes treat". They're terrible for our fab fit bodies, but the nostalgia is crushing. Everyone has their own way of eating them that reminds them of that certain relative or that one summer by the lake, ect. My memory? Having to make up "my method" of eating Oreos for a third grade class assignment on how to write instructions. My family was not, and never will be, an Oreo household. So I wrote that I ate Oreos by first twisting the cookies open, scraping off the frosting with my teeth to leave a thin sheer layer of frosting, putting the cookies back together, then consuming. In the interest of full disclosure, I have never eaten an Oreo like this since turning in that assignment. The vision of the total disruption of cookie:frosting ratio is making me cringe even now.
But, anyways, despite my lack of history with Oreos, I seemed to feel that it was my calling in life to bake cheesecake Oreos using birthday cake Oreos back then. It was also my golden birthday too. So maybe it was related to that.

On a related tangent, I wonder if this blog will ever make it to its "golden" birthday. 6 years from now? Maybe. Good thing I didn't start this blog on January 31 or something.

I didn't bother to save where I found the recipe for these cheesecakes back in 2012 for some reason, but I believe the recipe was from Pink Parsley with the substitution of birthday cake Oreos instead of normal Oreos. I'm 80% certain that they still sell the birthday cake variety. I recall seeing some a few months back at Walgreens, so they're probably still around if you want to try these! Otherwise, I'd be really interested in using some of those crazy Oreo flavors they have. Like, candy corn Oreos...with pumpkin cheesecake? Do I even want to go there? Then again, I did name this blog awkward platters for a reason I guess.
Cheers to more blogging and gratuitous food pictures!

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