Friday, January 3, 2014

Carrot Cake Cheesecake: Adios 2013

I've come to the conclusion that I am very very very very bad at making cakes. Maybe its my lack of experience, sheer clumsiness when it comes to mixing till "just combined," or the fact that decorating cakes is just really hard, but I've yet to make a cake I've been completely satisfied about or proud to share with ~everyone~. Lucky for this cake, I need a blog post, and firmly believe in documenting even the bad things.

As the last cake, or really food item, I made in 2013, it's also the first post I make for 2014. New Years is a time we start a lot of things. New exercise regimes (not leaving the room except for food), new dietary regimes (making up for a childhood absent of Cheetos), new sleep regimes (setting alarms for 7am only to wake up at 10am). Yea. Lots of those things. 
And its also a time we stop a lot of things. Old habits (staying in the same room for the entire day), old addictions (Cheetos deprived childhoods), Old relationships (having your bed as your significant other). Yea. All those things.

This cake as the bridge between 2013 and 2014 might symbolically represent those two concepts. New blog posts as I try to keep this whole weekly post thing going as I try to figure out how to live without school. Old baking skillz such as subpar cakes that no one wants to actually eat.
But, sadly, the old habits tend to carry along into the New Year's anyways. Which tends to undermine those new things. Which is ok. Because there will always be bad things, but that doesn't mean the good things don't matter. Sometimes they'll just cancel each other out, or won't make any difference, but they're still there. Take this cake (its a food blog, I have to talk about my cake). Even though this cake was awkwardly not that great, it was still fun to mess around with a fancy camera and take photos of cake using lots of weird focuses.

And, just because this cake failed doesn't mean I won't keep making cakes. After all, maybe I'll make a blog worthy cake when I least expect to. And then work my way backwards to figure out how I pulled off such a magical feat to create more! So, here's to a new year that'll probably be much like the last one! Or better!
Carrot Cake Cheesecake recipe from Mel's Kitchen Cafe, with the singular modification of adding walnuts because my mother likes walnuts. Even though she didn't eat any of it.

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