Friday, January 10, 2014

Speculoos Ice Cream: Belgium and Back Again

Cool points if you can get my pop/geek culture riff there. Hint:

Last year, I got the lovely experience of spending a summer abroad as many college students do if they are fortuitous enough. While my time in Belgium was spent mainly working (ish), a lot of it was spent consuming Belgium foods like beer, waffles, chocolate, and of course speculoos (aka biscoff aka delta airline cookies). Such dreamy, cookie richness. Naturally, I was obligated to bring back as much speculoos spread as possible. I literally had food stuffed in every possible corner of my suitcase. Upon returning to America, I proceeded to carefully instruct my family to leave the jars unopened until I returned home to incorporate it into every baked good possible.

Well, the baking part of this plan slightly changed after The Great Ice-Cream Machine Purchase of 2013. One of the best ways of consuming speculoos while in Belgium was in ice-cream form. Similar to flavors like pumpkin in the US, you can find loads of speculoos-flavored things in Belgium, like, speculoos alcohol, which was surprisingly delicious. Kahlua like.

Anyways, speculoos + anything = delicious. speculoos + ice cream = delicious x 2. This is definitely another recipe I'll make should I ever run out of other ice creams I want to try out.

Recipe from Serious Eats, with minor modifications:
  • Couldn't find the star anise in our cabinet (which my mother found for me after I finished cooking the base). So that was omitted. 
  • Too lazy to buy stroopwafel cookies so I just tossed in some snickerdoodles I had baked earlier.
  • My family likes nuts in our desserts, so walnuts were tossed in at the end of the churning. 

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