Friday, January 17, 2014

Browned Butter Snickerdoodles: Flat or Puffy?

So its the middle of January. 2014. And I am STILL posting about Thanksgiving 2013. Woohoo!
But don't worry, this is the last Thanksgiving 2013 baking post I will have.

Snickerdoodles are usually a hit in my household due to their pillowly puffiness. I remember making browned butter snickerdoodles back in 2012 that turned out really great, though mildly burnt on top. So it was a little disappointing when these came out so flat. Some quick googling seems to suggest that snickerdoodles are more often flat rather than puffy. But wikipedia doesn't suggest any information about the texture of a traditional snickerdoodle.

Regardless, I think these may have been so flat because there was too much butter, or the butter was too soft. maybe I didn't let it cool enough before incorporating after I browned it? They did taste slightly on the buttery side. I'm pretty sure I let the dough chill for a sufficient amount of time, but I suppose I'll experiment the next time I make snickerdoodles, of whatever variety.

Being the type of person who hates wasting food and would rather risk losing friends by forcing them to consume baked goods than toss things out, these cookies ended up in quite a few desserts. Ice cream sandwiches, speculoos ice cream toppings, ect.

Recipe from Ambitious Kitchen. Ambitious indeed.

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